Item Coversheet

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Item Detail:
17.     COMMUNICATION, DANIEL MCCARTHY, RACE COORDINATOR - NEW BEDFORD HALF-MARATHON/FRIENDLY SONS OF SAINT PATRICK, to City Council/City Clerk, Requesting THE CLOSING/OBSTRUCTION OF: WILLIAM STREET, at Sixth Street, MIDDLE STREET, at Sixth Street, MARKET STREET, at Sixth Street, PLEASANT STREET, at Union Street, ELM STREET, at Acushnet Avenue and SOUTH SECOND STREET, from Union Street to School Street, FROM: 8:00 A. M. TO:  3:30 P. M. ON SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 FOR THE PURPOSE OF: THE 2016 NEW BEDFORD HALF-MARATHON (COMMENCING AT 11:00 A.M.) ALSO REQUESTING:- that they be allowed to place cones on the centerline of HATHAWAY ROAD from Mt. Pleasant Street West to Rockdale Avenue, creating two-way traffic on the WESTBOUND LANE; - that the Police close ROCKDALE AVENUE, from Hathaway Road South to Potter Street, for approximately 30 MINUTES, or until the runners have passed;  - that two-way traffic on ROCKDALE AVENUE, South from Grape Street to Cove Road, be stopped, and cones be placed in the middle of ROCKDALE AVENUE and COVE ROAD, to create a lane for runners on South Side; - that the WEST LANE of WEST RODNEY FRENCH BOULEVARD and the EAST LANE of EAST RODNEY FRENCH BOULEVARD, be blocked to traffic, except at intersections where autos must cross - horses or cones will be placed at WEST RODNEY FRENCH BOULEVARD and Portland, Hudson, Seymour, Bayview, Rodney French Boulevard and Brock Avenue and SOUTH-BOUND TRAFFIC at SEYMOUR STREET will be BLOCKED to prevent autos from entering the race course; - that WESTBOUND traffic on COVE ROAD be directed NORTH onto Orchard Street, then if they choose, be detoured WEST on SWIFT STREET, again detoured SOUTH onto BOLTON STREET, to eventually cross ROCKDALE AVENUE and continue SOUTH; - that COUNTY STREET be closed to two-way traffic from COVE STREET, NORTH to Kempton Street; - that KEMPTON STREET be closed to all EASTERLY traffic, from County Street EAST to Pleasant Street, and cones be placed in the South corridor of the Octopus intersection, preventing traffic entrance to SIXTH STREET, and guiding runners to Pleasant Street; - that SIXTH STREET be closed to traffic at Kempton Street; and- that DETOUR SIGNS be installed directing EASTERLY traffic on KEMPTON STREET to detour traffic NORTH on COUNTY STREET, then EAST on HILLMAN STREET, then SOUTH on PURCHASE STREET, thus allowing EASTERLY TRAFFIC access to the New Bedford/Fairhaven Bridge. (Submitted by Councillor Ward Four Dana Rebeiro.)

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