Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
3.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Bousquet, Winterson, Lopes and Abreu, asking, the City Council to support writing a letter to the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Office of the Attorney General, to distribute Carlos Rafael's fishing quotas to the City's remaining fleet and boat owners, or perhaps support a City takeover of Carlos Fisheries, Inc. and hire a manager to manage the fleet, appoint an honest Board of Directors, operate it as a non-profit, with a distribution of profits set up to fund a limitless number of causes, providing assistance to families of Fishermen who are injured, fund health plans for Fishermen who most likely don't have Health, Life or Disability Insurance. (To be Referred to the Mayor, Harbor Development Commission, our State and Federal Legislative Delegations, NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, the Internal Revenue Service and the Office of the Attorney General.)

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