Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
15.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Winterson, Lopes, Abreu, Bousquet, Oliveira, Martins, Coelho, Carney, Rebeiro and Gomes, requesting, that the City Council send a letter to the Barnstable Town Council, rejecting their proposal to send their homeless, as well as those with substance abuse and mental health issues to our area, particularly New Bedford, which is a City saturated at the present time with residents struggling with opioid abuse, mental health issues and a growing homeless population; and further, suggesting that the Town of Barnstable not irresponsibly push their problems out of their own community into New Bedford, but deal with them, and possibly look into Town of Barnstable property as housing; and further, since New Bedford is so overburdened at the present time, perhaps the Town of Barnstable would consider assisting us by accepting some of our homeless as well as those suffering from opioid addictions.

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