Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
15.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Abreu, Rebeiro, Bousquet, Coelho and Winterson, requesting, that Department of Public Infrastructure Commissioner, Ronald Labelle, look into the possibility of erecting signs in high solicitation areas throughout the City in the spirit of educating both our residents and visitors that their donations to individual solicitors can be better used to help a larger number of needy individuals if donations and contributions are made to registered organizations instead of individual solicitors; and further, that DPI work with this Council, the Mayor's Office and representatives from the "Homeless Services Providers Network", in discussing a marketing initiative similar to the "Make Your Change Count" campaign used by several other communities throughout the Country, in which the sign lists a website directing both residents and visitors alike to our local food pantries, homeless shelters, addiction treatment services and other various non-profit and social advocacy agencies which are always in need of donations. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods, DPI Commissioner Ronald Labelle, the Mayor's Office, Scott Downing, Executive Secretary, Traffic Commission and Carl Alves, Chairperson of the "Homeless Service Providers Network").

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