Item Coversheet

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Item Detail:
L1.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for the purpose of discussing the immediate action to be taken on Exit 15 Downtown New Bedford, on both Exits off of 195, east and west; and further, immediate action has to be taken on both these exits due to the present conditions, this is not the first time the issue of these two exists have been addressed, they have been in deplorable condition for some time; and further; these are the exits that welcome you to the City of New Bedford, also requesting that MassDOT fix all the lights on North Front Street, between Kenyon Street and Cedar Grove Street, on Belleville Avenue, between Kenyon Street and Cedar Grove Street located on the support wall under 195 east and west, on Logan Street, between Acushnet Avenue and Purchase Street, located on the support wall under Rt. 18,  north and south of JFK Memorial Highway, these areas are very dark and are the responsibility of the MassDOT. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings, with a request that a letter be sent to Massachusetts Department of Transportation (DOT).

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