Item Coversheet

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Item Detail:

L2.       WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Rebeiro, requesting that the City of New Bedford create “gentrification mitigation zones or GMZ” these are areas with large working class population and high concentration of poverty according to the US Census Data tracts, above-average increases in property values and signs of resident displacement, the districts would be subject to stronger protections for tenants whose housing may be at risk as developers and people with higher incomes move into a neighborhood; and further, in a gentrification mitigation zone, tenants of a building that’s put up for sale would have the first chance to buy it, with the possible assistance of local (i.e. CPA), State and Federal funds and if renters opted not to buy their building, the sale would be subject to a tax of 1 percent or less to assist tenants who face displacement locally, furthermore, developers in these proposed zones would also have to create Community Impact Statements to address how they would affect the neighborhood’s character, existing affordable housing, schools, other resources and would be required to meet with any Ward Councillors and At-Large Councillors in which a zone lies and the local neighborhood councils to present their plans.  (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.)

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