Thursday, January 28, 2016
L1.     REPORT, Committee on Appointments and Briefings, recommending to the City Council, APPROVAL of the APPOINTMENT of JAUNNA ADESSO, New Bedford, MA, to the COMMISSION FOR CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES, replacing Gloria Hill; this term will expire May 2016.
L2.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Coelho, requesting, that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods hold Citizens Input Time prior to the meeting; and further, that Committee members take said Committee out of Council Chambers and on the road, to include locations where Neighborhood Groups are held and Community Centers, to allow New Bedford’s Citizens to voice their concerns. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.)
L3.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Coelho, requesting, that the Police Department provide the City Council with the number of repeat overdoses in a twenty-four hour period in New Bedford, and that we look into possibly drafting an Ordinance addressing the matter; and further; that we ask our State Legislative Delegation to assist us in drafting policy that would make it mandatory that anyone who overdoses, especially those who overdose repeatedly, not be treated and released, but held in the hospital for twenty-four hour surveillance, they are a harm to themselves and to society and are using up our resources. (To be Referred to the Committees on Ordinances and Public Safety and Neighborhoods.)

L4.       REPORT, Committee on Ordinances, recommending to the City Council, ADOPTION of the ORDINANCE, rezoning Plot 91/Lot 45 from Residence “C” to MIXED-USE BUSINESS, located at 170 Reynolds Street.


L4a.     AN ORDINANCE, (To be Passed to a Second Reading.)

L5.       REPORT, Committee on Ordinances, recommending to the City Council, ADOPTION of the ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, Amending Chapter 2 of the City Code by inserting Section 2-241 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE.


L5a.     AN ORDINANCE, as amended. (To be Passed to a Second Reading.)