Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
9.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Internal Affairs investigate and get a clear answer as to what happened to the 160 yellow pine beams stored at  City-owned Quittacas Pond in Rochester worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the City and the Ernestina Commission, which had been donated by the Dickinson Group, the developer of the former Fairhaven Mills, this donation was intended to assist in the restoration of the historical vessel, the Ernestina; and further, that the Committee meet with private investigator Ken Pittman along with someone from the Mayor’s Administration, former Department of Public Infrastructure Commissioners and former Mayor Scott Lang, for the purposes of putting a together a timetable on when this disappearance occurred and where these beams are now located, who received them and also exactly when they were removed from Quittacas Pond in Rochester; and further, that the Committee on Internal Affairs also ask for a schedule of employees who had access to the keys during the time the wood went “missing”, along with any other information the City can provide to the Committee in helping to narrow down who is responsible for this loss; and further, that the City Council request that the District Attorney’s office investigate and look into the disappearance of State declared surplus to the City of this valuable wood which has vanished from City property. (To be Referred to the Committee on Internal Affairs and Waive Rule 40.)

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