Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION - re revisit the Ordinance, Chapter 17, Section 14, pertaining to false alarm calls

Item Detail:

2. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Coelho, Abreu, Lopes, Giesta, Dunn and Lima, requesting, that the Committee on Ordinances revisit the Ordinance, Chapter 17, Section 14, pertaining to false alarm calls placed throughout the City to the Police Department to update said Ordinance, to reduce the number of 911 calls that are placing a strain on Police Department resources. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.) (Ref’d 7/19/18) (9/17/18-tabled 30 days)

Additional Information:
revisit the Ordinance, Chapter 17, Section 14, pertaining to false alarm callsCover Memo