Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
16.  COMMUNICATION/DEMOLITION, Anne Louro, Preservation Planner, to City Council, re: BUILDING DEMOLITION REVIEW of 279-281 COGGESHALL STREET (MAP 93/LOT 85), a Circa 1933 one storey, masonry store, advising that “the structure is not located in a National Register Historic District;  the structure has been extensively altered with its large original windows replaced with smaller windows and brick infill along with the addition of an aluminum door; there is loss of historical context related to the building’s association with the 20th century dense immigrant neighborhood due to demolition of nearby buildings and the construction of Interstate 95, “in light of these findings, the Preservation Planner has determined that the structure at 279-281 Coggeshall Street is neither Historically Significant nor a Preferably Preserved Structure.” 

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