Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
13.    WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the City and State update the City Council on the future and completion date of the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal, discuss plans for paving the entire parcel, installation of electricity, security cameras and the possibility of a storage facility; and further, that $100 million of the taxpayers money has been spent on this terminal which is doing nothing at this time to produce any return on the money spent to benefit the community with any long-term plan of action for the terminal, beside the possibility of wind turbines being staged out of this area; and further, that a letter be sent to our State Legislative Delegation, including Senator Mark Montigny, asking that they, along with the City step up efforts to bring real commerce trading to this marine commerce terminal. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) 

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