Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

1. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods meet with Police Chief Cordeiro and a representative from the Mayor’s Office to discuss the immediate implementation of Active Threat Resolution training for all Officers, requesting also a list of all specially trained officers within the department, these Officers with the special training and certification can be used to train other Officers within the department; and further, that training immediately go into effect making our department ready for possible active shooter situations, also known as the Active Shooter Response Team; and further, that the Police Department provide the City Council’s Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods with a list of schools and City public buildings that have received ALICE Training (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuation, teaching staff what their options are if there is an active threat situation. (Ref’d 2/22/18) (5/12/18-tabled; 11/29/18 -tabled 90 days)

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