Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION - SRTA Service Seniors - Stop and Shop

Item Detail:

WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that a letter be sent to Erik Rousseau, SRTA Bus Company, requesting their support on behalf of the senior population at Tripp Towers, asking that SRTA Bus Company reverse their decision to eliminate bus service to STOP and SHOP on Dartmouth Street for seniors residing at Tripp Towers due to the large population of resident seniors that depend on that service for shopping, banking and pharmacy service; and further, that Mr. Rousseau meet with the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss the impact that this will have on the senior population that depend on this service, and in some cases this is their only means of transportation for their quality of life and needs. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings and Waive Rule 40.)


Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings and Rule 40 Waived. 

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