Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

7.     REPORT, Committee on Public Safety & Neighborhoods, recommending to the City Council to take “NO FURTHER ACTION” on a RELATED MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting that Mayor Mitchell and DPI Commissioner Ponte provide the City Council with the cost of installing cobblestone architecture at all major intersections with median strips throughout the City such as the one that has been installed at the Octopus on Route 6 entering New Bedford from Fairhaven; and further, that the City work together with the State for permission to install cobblestone architecture median strips at some of the major State intersections, such as Rt. 195 and Rt. 140 that intervene with City intersections; and further, that the City consider masonry concrete planter boxes with diamond or triangle top edging to be placed at these intersections with non-maintenance annual green perennials keeping the intersections attractive and welcoming to tourist and City residents; and further, that the City consider Community Development Block Grant monies or Community Preservation funds for the project if needed.


7a.     RELATED MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting that Mayor Mitchell and DPI Commissioner Ponte provide the City Council with the cost of installing cobblestone architecture at all major intersections with median strips throughout the City such as the one that has been installed at the Octopus on Route 6 entering New Bedford from Fairhaven; and further, that the City work together with the State for permission to install cobblestone architecture median strips at some of the major State intersections, such as Rt. 195 and Rt. 140 that intervene with City intersections; and further, that the City consider masonry concrete planter boxes with diamond or triangle top edging to be placed at these intersections with non-maintenance annual green perennials keeping the intersections attractive and welcoming to tourist and City residents; and further, that the City consider Community Development Block Grant monies or Community Preservation funds for the project if needed. (Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods – May 8, 2018.)

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