Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

3.     REPORT, Committee on Appointments & Briefings, recommending to the City Council to take “NO FURTHER ACTION” on a WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Mayor and the Director of the Whaling Museum take immediate action to make sure that the “Grand Panorama of a Whaling Voyage Around the World” stays in New Bedford, this painting is the largest in the world, has been restored and the City should make every effort along with the Whaling Museum to ensure that it remains in the City that set the history of Whaling in this country; and further, that the City find a suitable location for this treasure; and further, that the City will be glad to share this with the world, but it belongs to the City of New Bedford and this should be its home, this painting is part of our City’s history.


3a.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Mayor and the Director of the Whaling Museum take immediate action to make sure that the “Grand Panorama of a Whaling Voyage Around the World” stays in New Bedford, this painting is the largest in the world, has been restored and the City should make every effort along with the Whaling Museum to ensure that it remains in the City that set the history of Whaling in this country; and further, that the City find a suitable location for this treasure; and further, that the City will be glad to share this with the world, but it belongs to the City of New Bedford and this should be its home, this painting is part of our City’s history. (Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings - December 14, 2017.)

Additional Information:
NO FURTHER ACTION - Grand Panorama of a Whaling Village should remain in NBCover Memo