Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, “NO PARKING ANY TIME” Signs be placed on the southside of Braley Road, as part of the Pulaski School traffic safety plan at the following locations: 1) 1104 Braley Road, west side of property between mailboxes, 2)1112 Braley Road, west side of property 12 to 15 feet from driveway, 3)1116 Braley Road, west side of property, west of the mailbox location in front of said address, 4)1130 Braley Road, in front of said address between circular driveway, 5)1142 and 1152 Braley Road, sign to be located between driveways of said property, 6)1064 Braley Road, east side of property, 7) Braley Road, and Laurelwood Drive, west 15 feet from the corner of the road, 8) 1070 Braley Road, sign can be put on existing pole of crosswalk signage already there directly across from exit from school onto Braley Road, 9) 1076 Braley Road, sign to be located in the center of property, 10) 1084 Braley Road, signage to be located in the center of property, 11) 1092 Braley Road, west side of property in front of exit driveway from the Pulaski School, this signage should read ‘NO PARKING THIS SIDE ANY TIME” or “NO PARKING ANY TIME”, all located on the south side of Braley Road, also requesting that we replace two signs at the entrance and poles that are faded with signage ‘NO PARKING THIS SIDE OF STREET EAST AND WEST AT ENTRANCE”. 


Referred to the Traffic Commission.

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