Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

20.     COMMUNICATION, DPI Commissioner Jamie Ponte, to City Council, submitting, RECOMMENDATION OF ACCEPTANCE, for the LAYOUT AND ACCEPTANCE of AVA’S WAY, 40 feet wide, from Sta. 0+40 at Cardinal Street, 163.41 feet southerly to terminus at Sta. 2+03.41, reporting that the owner Hugh E. Rowlett, Jr., of Petrel Properties, LLC, has conformed to all rules and regulations as required by the City Code, Section 22-35, relative to the acceptance of new streets.


20a.     COMMUNICATION, DPI Commissioner Jamie Ponte, to City Council, submitting, REQUEST TO TAKE LAND, for LAYOUT AND ACCEPTANCE of AVA’S WAY, 40 FEET WIDE, from Sta. 0+40 at Cardinal Street, 163.41 feet southerly to terminus at Sta. 2+03.41, it becomes necessary to take an easement or fee for highway purposes in land belonging to Hugh E. Rowlett, Jr., of Petrel Properties LLC, in accordance with City Code, Section 22-35.


20b.     COMMUNICATION, DPI Commissioner Jamie Ponte, to City Council, submitting AWARD OF DAMAGES, FOR THE LAYOUT AND ACCEPTANCE of AVA’S WAY, 40 FEET WIDE, from Sta. 0+40 at Cardinal Street, 163.41 feet southerly to terminus at Sta. 2+03.41, to the owner Hugh E. Rowlett, Jr., of Petrel Properties LLC, because the remainder has appreciated in value as a result of the layout to an amount which exceeds the value of the land dedicated and taken.


20c.     COMMUNICATION, DPI Commissioner Jamie Ponte, to City Council, submitting, METES AND BOUNDS, for the LAYOUT AND ACCEPTANCE of AVA’S WAY, 40 feet wide, from Sta. 0+40 at Cardinal Street, 163.41 feet southerly to terminus at Sta. 2+03.41. (Map included.)


20d.     AN ORDER, For Public Hearing on THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. via ZOOM for the LAYOUT and ACCEPTANCE of AVA'S WAY, 40 feet wide, from Sta. 0+40 at Cardinal Street, 163.41 feet southerly to terminus at  Sta. 2+03.41.


20e.     AN ORDER, Requesting, the City Solicitor to prepare a LAYOUT ORDER, for the Layout and Acceptance of contemplated and proposed AVA'S WAY, 40 feet wide, from Sta. 0+40 at Cardinal Street, 163.41 feet southerly to terminus at Sta. 2+03.41, (Hearing on said matter has been ordered for THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., City Council Meeting - via ZOOM.





Additional Information:
AVA'S WAY - Street AcceptanceCover Memo