Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION re Qualified Immunity Language

Item Detail:

2. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes, requesting that a member of the Mitchell Administration, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, the EMS Director, the New Bedford Police Union and the New Bedford Fire Union meet with the members of the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods to discuss the implementation and protection of Qualified Immunity language for the members of the Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Emergency Medical Service. (Ref’d 08/20/2020) (10/14/2020 – VOTE to have the City Council draft a letter to our State Delegation voicing the Council’s position against the proposed Qualified Immunity Proposition, PASSED All Ayes; tabled) (10/26/2020 – letter sent to State Delegation, as requested.)

Additional Information:
2. State Delegation LettersCover Memo