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Item Detail: 10. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, Council President Lopes, Councillors Markey and Carney requesting, that the City Council go on record in opposition and condemnation of the Boston Globe’s article along with the report done by Citizens For Juvenile Justice, titled, “We Are The Prey”; and further, that the New Bedford City Council also go on record in support of the men and women of the New Bedford Police Department as this report was not fairly done, and does not fit the image, the profile and the mission of our law-enforcement in the City, this report condemned our Police Department for racial profiling of minority groups of juveniles; and further, that the department continues to enforce law and order and justice for all Citizens of the City of New Bedford; and further, that Acting Police Chief Paul Oliveira reassure the people of the City that his leadership and New Bedford Police Department will mirror an image and commitment that all Citizens of the City of New Bedford will be treated fairly with no bias, only law and order and protection of all City residents.
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