Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION - Dedication / Dr. Jibreel Khazan

Item Detail:

2. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Baptiste, Abreu, Carney, Coelho, Dunn, Giesta, Gomes, Lima, Lopes, Markey and Morad, requesting that the Special Committee on Memorials and Dedications meet with a Representative of the Mitchell Administration, the Department of Public Infrastructure Commissioner Jamie Ponte; and Parks Recreation and Beaches Director Mary Rapoza to discuss the feasibility of erecting an appropriate dedication in honor of New Bedford resident, Dr. Jibreel Khazan, a civil rights icon who is best known as a member of the Greensboro Four, a group of African American college students who on February 1, 1960, sat down at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter in Downtown Greensboro, North Carolina challenging the store’s policy of denying service to non-white customers; the protest and the subsequent events were major milestones in the Civil Rights Movement; Dr. Khazan has been a resident of New Bedford for the past 50 years and raised his family here in New Bedford where he has worked with numerous organizations and been one of the most influential people in our Community. (To be Referred to the Special Committee on Memorials & Dedications.) (Ref’d 03/25/2021)

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