Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

25.     REPORT, Committee on Internal Affairs, recommending to the City Council to take “NO FURTHER ACTION” on the WRITTEN MOTION,  Councillor Rebeiro, Council President Lopes, and Councillors Winterson, Abreu, Carney, Coelho, Dunn, Martins, Gomes and Oliveira, requesting that the Committee on Internal Affairs meet with Attorney General Maura Healy and NOAA to discuss how current owners and mariners operating in New Bedford have the first right of refusal to acquire the licenses to be auctioned as result of the plea agreement in the case of The United States vs. Carlos Rafael, and that the sale come with the agreement of a partnership with the Economic Development Council, Workforce Investment Board and YouthBuild to develop apprenticeships and jobs to increase opportunity for women and minorities in New Bedford within this field; furthermore that Representatives from Economic Development Council, Workforce Investment Board, and YouthBuild along with Mariner Mr. Gus Santos and Harbor Development Commission Executive Director Edward Anthes-Washburn to be invited to said Committee meeting. 


25a.     WRITTEN MOTION,  Councillor Rebeiro, Council President Lopes, and Councillors Winterson, Abreu, Carney, Coelho, Dunn, Martins, Gomes and Oliveira, requesting that the Committee on Internal Affairs meet with Attorney General Maura Healy and NOAA to discuss how current owners and mariners operating in New Bedford have the first right of refusal to acquire the licenses to be auctioned as result of the plea agreement in the case of The United States vs. Carlos Rafael, and that the sale come with the agreement of a partnership with the Economic Development Council, Workforce Investment Board and YouthBuild to develop apprenticeships and jobs to increase opportunity for women and minorities in New Bedford within this field; furthermore that Representatives from Economic Development Council, Workforce Investment Board, and YouthBuild along with Mariner Mr. Gus Santos and Harbor Development Commission Executive Director Edward Anthes-Washburn to be invited to said Committee meeting – Referred to the Committee on Internal Affairs – April 27, 2017.)

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