Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

3.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the City use Community Development money, or another resource to replace the two existing flag poles at the Cape Verdean American Veterans Memorial Square, the two present poles are too tall and the pole with the American flag is bending, the replacement poles should be shorter like the standard American white poles being used across the City at different monuments; and further, requesting, that the Department of Public Infrastructure’s Electrical Department run underground lighting to spotlight these two flags, and further asking that Department of Public Infrastructure’s Forestry Department trim all the trees at the Square and once these poles are installed and the work has been done, that City have a rededication of the square with the raising of the American and Cape Verdean flags. (To be Referred to the Special Committee on Memorials and Dedications, the Mayor’s Office, and Department of Public Infrastructure.)

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