Item Coversheet

Item Title:
REPORT / WRITTEN MOTION – Whaling City Wonder

Item Detail:

5. REPORT, Committee on Memorials & Dedications, recommending to the City Council to take “NO FURTHER ACTION” on a WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Bousquet and Winterson, requesting, that the Special Committee on Memorials and Dedications consider creating a pocket park or monument to honor and recognize the City’s greatest track hero: the “Whaling City Wonder”, French Canadian Leo E. Larrivee, who brought home New Bedford’s First Olympic Medal - a Bronze for the third-place finish in the men’s 3,000 Meter Team Race at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris. (Ref’d 05/08/18)


5a. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Bousquet and Winterson, requesting, that the Special Committee on Memorials and Dedications consider creating a pocket park or monument to honor and recognize the City’s greatest track hero: the “Whaling City Wonder”, French Canadian Leo E. Larrivee, who brought home New Bedford’s First Olympic Medal - a Bronze for the third-place finish in the men’s 3,000 Meter Team Race at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris. (Ref’d 05/08/18)

Additional Information:
5. REPORT - Whaling City WonderCover Memo