Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION - Cemetery Plots / Rules & Regulations

Item Detail:

1. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Giesta, Council President Lopes and Councillor Morad, requesting that the Committee on City Property, meet with the members of the Cemetery Board for the purpose of discussing the rules and regulations governing Cemetery plots and clarifying what can and cannot be placed on those plots at City Cemeteries; and further that the Board discuss updating those rules and regulations on how family and friends care for their love ones plots. (Pictures Enclosed and to be Referred to the Committee on City Property.) (Ref’d 04/22/2021) (6/23/2021 – Motion made that the Cemetery Board return to the committee with their changes as it relates to the rules and regulations on what can and cannot be placed at a headstone throughout the cemetery in the next 30 days) (09/08/2021 – new cemetery brochure with updated rules & regs obtained from Cemetery Dept.; forwarded to all Councillors by hard-copy and email.)

Additional Information:
1. WRITTEN MOTION re Cemetery PlotsCover Memo
Main BROCHURE - Revised Rules and Regulations 7.28.2021Cover Memo