Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION, Shellfish Areas Closures

Item Detail:

1.   WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting that the Committee on Fisheries meet with the Division of Marine Fisheries Director Daniel J. McKiernan, Biologist Matt Camisa, the Department of Infrastructure Commissioner Jamie Ponte and the Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment Facility, for the purpose of discussing the Clark’s Cove shellfish areas that have been closed to commercial fishermen; and further requesting, information on the action already taken by the City to deal with the CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) requested by the State’s Department of Marine Fisheries so these shellfish areas can be reopened and what action still needs to be taken so that our commercial fishermen can go back to work immediately with the thousands of pounds of shellfish that line Clark’s Cove. (To be Referred to the Committee on Fisheries.) (Ref’d 06/09/2022)


1a.  COMMUNICATION, Councillor Gomes, submitting a copy of a letter sent to DMF Director McKiernan from Jeff Kennedy, Shellfish Program Lead regarding the New Bedford Shellfish Area Closures. (To be Referred to the Committee on Fisheries.) (Ref’d 06/09/2022)

Additional Information:
DMF Letter RE New Bedford Area ClosuresCover Memo