Item Coversheet

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Item Detail:

13. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, Giesta, Lima, Council President Abreu and Councillor Morad, requesting that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings hold a meeting with Officials from Parallel Products, the Mitchell Administration and the City Solicitor for the purpose of explaining the agreement that the City and the Mayor entered into with Parallel Products which allows Mr. Tim Cusson, CEO of Parallel Products to move forward with the construction plan in the New Bedford Business Park; and further, an explanation as to why the residents of Pine Hill and Sassaquin areas were not notified before the signing of this agreement which will affect the quality of life for the residents and businesses in the area for many years to come; and further that the Administration provide the City Council, residents, and business owners in the area, an explanation on how this agreement of receiving $800,000 a year will benefit the abutting area and the City; and whereas the New Bedford City Council signed onto a letter submitted to MEPA on May 10, 2021 along with Mayor Jon Michell, expressing strong opposition to the establishment of a glass/solid waste/biosolids processing facility to be operated by Parallel Products at 100 Duchaine Boulevard; although changes have been made to the project proposal, the City Council will send a letter expressing our continued opposition to this project in its entirety because of the detrimental impact it would have on the residents, businesses and the community of New Bedford; the City has been subjected to multiple environmental injustices and this project will in fact be another one; and furthermore, the City Council would also like to state its opposition to the City’s Host Agreement entered into with Parallel Products, and that the New Bedford City Council was unaware any of agreement, as it was entered into solely by Mayor Jon Mitchell. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings and Waive Rule 40.)

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