Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

12. REPORT, Comittee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods, recommending that the City Council take "NO FURTHER ACTION" on the WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Markey and Abreu, requesting that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods, meet with concerned parents lead by Lisa Tavares, the Pulaski School Principal Melissa Rego, Members of the School Committee, Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro, DPI Commissioner Jamie Ponte and a Representative from the Mayor’s Office to discuss a plan of action and a resolution in addressing the school’s traffic problem on Braley Road; and further, discuss implementing a second entrance to the school grounds off of Acushnet Avenue and the possibility of doing this with the City’s Department of Public Infrastructure, this request is for the residents of the area, to ease the traffic flow and more importantly, the safety of the children attending Pulaski School. 


12a. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Markey and Abreu, requesting that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods, meet with concerned parents lead by Lisa Tavares, the Pulaski School Principal Melissa Rego, Members of the School Committee, Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro, DPI Commissioner Jamie Ponte and a Representative from the Mayor’s Office to discuss a plan of action and a resolution in addressing the school’s traffic problem on Braley Road; and further, discuss implementing a second entrance to the school grounds off of Acushnet Avenue and the possibility of doing this with the City’s Department of Public Infrastructure, this request is for the residents of the area, to ease the traffic flow and more importantly, the safety of the children attending Pulaski School. (Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods - March 14, 2019.)

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