Item Coversheet

Item Title:
COMMUNICATION / LOAN ORDER – Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Item Detail:

2. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell to City Council, submitting a LOAN ORDER, appropriating $7,850,000.00 for the purpose of making critically needed repairs to City-owned buildings including, but not limited to, projects for the repair and renovation of public safety facilities, recreational facilities, general office space, and roads and infrastructure. (FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program) (Ref’d 04/27/2023) (Matter ID #0781) (06/14/2023 – Remain in Committee)


2a. LOAN ORDER, (Ref’d 04/27/2023) (Matter ID #0782) (06/14/2023 – Remain in Committee)

Additional Information:
COMMUNICATION - CIP 2023-2027Cover Memo
LOAN ORDER - CIP 2023-2027Cover Memo