Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

11. REPORT, Committee on City Property, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION the ORDER, submitted by Mayor Mitchell, that the City Solicitor obtain an appraisal of land for Assessors Map 23, Lot 158 (property known as the “Goodyear Site”) and prepare an Order of Taking, for the purpose of acquiring a fee interest in the land, by eminent domain or other legal means; the acquisition is needed for construction of a new facility serving Grades K-5 on an alternative site to consolidate the student populations of the existing James B. Congdon and John B. DeValles Elementary Schools.


11a. AN ORDER, (Referred to the Committee on City Property – July 20, 2023.)

Additional Information:
REPORT - Goodyear SiteCover Memo
ORDER - Goodyear SiteCover Memo