Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

L2.       WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Rebeiro, Requesting, that the Committee on Internal Affairs be updated on the City’s construction projects, as to the status of hiring local women and minorities, included in this update should be a description of the recommended good faith outreach mechanism to be used for the hiring of New Bedford residents with a focus on minorities and women in the labor force; and further that similar data is requested for the contracting of local firms with a focus on minority and women owned businesses on City’s construction projects, this update should address what are the goals of the City of New Bedford’s Compliance Office; how many positions have been filled on the sites throughout the City; what are the efforts being taken to hire locally by the Compliance Office for the City; furthermore, a listing of all the City’s current construction projects and a projection of all construction projects within the next fiscal year should be included.  (To be Referred to Eric Cohen, Compliance Officer; Richard Calderon, Assistant Purchasing Agent; Angela Johnston, Economic Development Council, Buddy Andrade and Gus Santos.)

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