Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
31.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Winterson, Abreu, Rebeiro, Morad, Council President Lopes, Councillors Carney, Martins and Dunn, requesting, that our State Legislative Delegation,  Congressman William Keating and Governor Baker appropriate funding of 35 million dollars which was earmarked in the 2014 Environmental Bond, which is needed to increase the depth of the New Bedford Harbor, the lack of depth is having a negative economic impact on our region; and further, the waterfront is not being utilized due to lack of depth, an impact study disclosed that the New Bedford Port has activity that produced 9.8 billion dollars in revenue annually as of 2015; and further, this funding is needed to have 30 feet depth of dredging done to the infrastructure of the New Bedford Waterfront, further requesting, that our Federal and State Legislative Delegation communicate with Edward Anthes-Washburn, Deputy Port Director, Harbor Development Commission regarding said matter.

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