Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:

20.     REPORT, Committee on Appointments & Briefings, recommending to the City Council to take “NO FURTHER ACTION” on the WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Abreu, Winterson, Gomes, Lopes and Martins, requesting that Representatives from both Eversource Energy and Spectra Energy come before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss both the potential economic and social impact the Acushnet LNG Proposal would have on not only New Bedford, but on the surrounding communities as well, since Representatives of the “Southcoast Neighbors United” came before this body and the local media recently to voice their opposition of this project, it is only fair, in the spirit of full transparency, that the Committee invite the proponents of the project as well.

20a.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Abreu, Winterson, Gomes, Lopes and Martins, requesting that Representatives from both Eversource Energy and Spectra Energy come before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss both the potential economic and social impact the Acushnet LNG Proposal would have on not only New Bedford, but on the surrounding communities as well, since Representatives of the "Southcoast Neighbors United" came before this body and the local media recently to voice their opposition of this project, it is only fair, in the spirit of full transparency, that the Committee invite the proponents of the project as well. (Referred to the Committee on  Appointments and Briefings – April 28, 2016.)

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