Item Coversheet

Item Title:
Recreational Cannabis Dispensaries / Liquor Store Regulation Requirements

Item Detail:

1. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Abreu, Martins, Council President Lopes, Councillors Winterson and Coelho requesting that a Representative of the City Solicitor’s Office come before the Special Committee on Licensing and Zoning for Cannabis to begin the collaborative dialogue and process of working on and establishing appropriate zoning parameters, the number of allowed licenses, the application process, and overall implementation of recreational cannabis dispensaries for the City of New Bedford which can come any time after April 1, 2018. (To be Referred to the Special Committee on Licensing and Zoning for Cannabis, Representative of the City Solicitor’s Office and Legislative Counsel Gerwatowski.) (Ref’d 6/8/17) (10/25/17-tabled) (2/20/18-tabled 30 days) (3/20/18-tabled 3 weeks, reach out to Licensing for info)


1a. RELATED MOTION, Councillor Lopes, requesting that the Committee on Licensing and Zoning for Cannabis invite a representative from the Licensing Board to provide us with a copy of the requirements for the establishment of a regulation Liquor Store in the City of New Bedford and that Legal Counsel from the Licensing Board attend the next meeting of this Committee.  (Ref’d 10/25/17) (2/20/18-tabled 30 days) (3/20/18-tabled 3 weeks, reach out to Licensing for info)

Additional Information: