Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION re Wage Theft Prevention Ordinance

Item Detail:

1. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes, Councillors Abreu, Winterson, Dunn and Oliveira, requesting that the City Council look into adopting a Wage Theft Prevention Ordinance modeled after the Town of Quincy. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.) (Ref’d 9/28/17) (2/21/18-tabled 30-40 days, co-sponsors of original motion to meet with Atty. Gerwatowski to work with him on specifics vs. providing him with a broad brush, and that the language be submitted back to Ordinance by Atty. Gerwatowski for Committee review)


1a. COMMUNICATION, Council President Lopes, submitting a Wage Theft Prevention Ordinance from the City of Quincy, MA. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.) (Ref’d 9/28/17) (2/21/18-tabled 30-40 days)

Additional Information:
1a. COMM re Quincy Wage Theft Prevention OrdinanceCover Memo