Item Coversheet

Item Title:
WRITTEN MOTION re Fort Taber Military Museum Contract Negotiation

Item Detail:

1. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Morad, requesting, that the rental contract currently being negotiated with representatives of the Fort Taber Military Museum Association be presented to the Committee on Finance for review prior to being executed by the Administration; and further, that the Executive Board of the Fort Taber Military Museum Association, along with their legal representative be invited to the Committee on Finance to discuss the terms of the contact and the financial effect said contract will have on the future operation of the Military Museum. (To be Referred to the Administration and the Committee on Finance.) (Ref’d 6/8/17) (6/26/17-returned unsigned by the Mayor) (7/17/17-tabled 45 days)

Additional Information:
1. WM re Fort Taber Military MuseumCover Memo