Item Coversheet

Item Title:

Item Detail:
45.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the following action be taken on behalf of the residents of Transit Street, between Frank Street and Rockdale Avenue, asking that the Department of Public Infrastructure install curbing in front of 78 Rockdale Avenue and that the Traffic Commission install a “NO PARKING FROM HERE TO CORNER” Sign at least one car space in front of said address, south to the corner of Transit Street and Rockdale Avenue; and further, that a “NO PARKING ANYTIME” Sign be installed on Transit Street west side on Pole 698-1 to the Southwest corner of Frank Street, this will assist ABC Disposal Services and emergency vehicles in making that corner and that the New Bedford Police Department and Traffic Commission parking attendants increase their patrols in this area, and issue citations to any parking violators within this area along Transit Street and Rockdale Avenue, these requests will make this area and intersections safer for motorists and the neighborhood; and further, that the New Bedford Police Department also take immediate action in regard to any public drinking or criminal activity in this area during the day and early evening hours.

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