COMMITTEE ON FINANCE  - December 13, 2021
133 William Street, City Hall, 2nd Floor, City Council Chambers

1. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000) from WATER STABILIZATION to the Fiscal Year 2022 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET, and that the portion raised by Water Receipts is hereby reduced by the same amount. (Ref’d 12/07/2021)


1a. AN ORDER, (Ref’d 12/07/2021)


INVITEES: Robert Ekstrom, Consultant Auditor; Michael Gagne, Interim Chief Financial Officer; David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel Attorney; Jamie Ponte, DPI Commissioner;  Marilyn Gonsalves, Member, Water Board; Daniel Higgins, Member, Water Board; Patrick Rogers, Member, Water Board


2. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to the City Council, submitting AN ORDER pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53A, the City Council hereby accepts a grant of $64,729,754 through the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund from the U.S. Department of Treasury pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act. (Ref’d 08/19/2021) (9/20/2021 – tabled, 45 days)


2a. AN ORDER, (Ref’d 08/19/2021) (9/20/2021 – tabled, 45 days)


INVITEES: Robert Ekstrom, Consultant Auditor; Michael Gagne, Interim Chief Financial Officer; David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel Attorney; Representative, Mayor’s Office





In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of Committees Office at 508-979-1482. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.