COMMITTEE ON FINANCE  - October 19, 2022
City Hall, 133 William Street, New Bedford, MA City Council Chambers - Room 214

1. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting a SEWER ABATEMENT REQUEST for SILAS NUTTER, 900 Peckham Road, New Bedford, MA 02745, Account No. 1029297, in the amount of $5,673.24. (Ref’d 09/08/2022)


INVITEES: Silas Nutter, Property Owner; Jamie Ponte, DPI Commissioner


2. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Morad, requesting that Department of Public Infrastructure Commissioner Jamie Ponte provide the Committee on Finance with a summary report detailing current and past due Commercial, Industrial, Municipal and Residential accounts for Water and Wastewater billings as of January 31, 2022, said report shall include comparable information for the periods of March 2021 and August 2021.  (To be Referred to the Committee on Finance.) (Ref’d 02/10/2022) (05/19/2022 – tabled 120 days)


INVITEES: Atty. David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel; Jamie Ponte, DPI Commissioner


3. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Burgo, Giesta, Gomes, Markey, Morad and Carney, requesting that within the next 30 days, the City Auditor, City Solicitor and Interim Chief Financial Officer provide a detailed accounting of all monies spent to date from the $250,000 appropriated by the City Council in August 2019 to retain the Boston based municipal law firm KP Law, PC to fund legal expenses in conjunction with the City’s opposition to the expansion of Parallel Products; and further that in addition to said detailed accounting the City Council Committee on Finance be provided with copies of all invoices from KP Law, PC, or any other companies, reflecting itemized explanations for services provided. (To be Referred to the Committee on Finance.) (Ref’d 08/18/2022)


INVITEES: Emily Arpke, City Auditor; Michael Gagne, Interim Chief Financial Officer; Atty. David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel; Atty. Eric Jaikes, City Solicitor


4. COMMUNICATION, Councillor Morad, submitting an email and spreadsheet from CFO Sky regarding the City’s current COVID-19 Expenses as of June 5th. (To be Referred to the Committee on Finance) (Ref’d 06/25/2020) (Updated spreadsheets provided by the CFO’s Office and distributed to all Councillors – 10/20/2020; 02/08/2021; 08/10/2021; 11/24/2021; 05/16/2022) (Item tabled – 10/19/2020; 02/10/2021; 8/16/2021) (11/29/2021 – tabled 3 months) (05/19/2022 – tabled 90 days)


INVITEES: Michael Gagne, Interim Chief Financial Officer


Chair Suggests ‘Waive Reading’, ‘No Further Action’ and ‘Report Out to the Full City Council’

5. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Morad, requesting, that the Acting Chief Financial Officer immediately supply to the Committee on Finance a listing of the applications received through April 28, 2022, under the Enhanced Façade Improvement Program funded by the ARPA program, said listing shall include the date of application, application amount, business name, address and nature of the building improvement project; and further, that the Chair of the Committee on Finance call a meeting of said Committee prior to May 15, 2022, to review the requested information. (To be Referred to the Committee on Finance.) (Ref’d 04/28/2022) (05/09/2022 – tabled 45 days)


6. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Morad, Lima, Burgo, Baptiste, Gomes, Carney, and Dunn, submitting a copy of a Communication regarding Request for Response #22130143 – Vacant or Abandoned Property Rehabilitation, a City of New Bedford program funded under the American Rescue Plan Act; said communication requests the City Council’s involvement in securing a twelve-month extension of the Administration’s deadline for submission of proposals for funding under the Request for Response #22130143. (To be Referred to the Interim Chief Financial Officer and the Committee on Finance.) (Ref’d 09/08/2022)





In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of Committees Office at 508-979-1482. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.