Thursday, March 23, 2023


CITATION, Council President Morad and Councillor Baptiste, in recognition of the Union Street Branch Ribbon Cutting Celebration and with sincere appreciation for your continued commitment to serving the financial needs of our community.


Adopted, to be presented at a later date.


CITATION, Council President Morad and Councillor Lima, honoring COASTAL PROVISIONS, LLC, in recognition of the Ribbon Cutting Celebration and with best wishes for many years of successful operation in satisfying the food and beverage cravings of their faithful customers.


Adopted, to be presented at a later date.


CITATION, Councillor Gomes, honoring LIEUTENANT BRUCE DUARTE, JR., in recognition of his retirement after 29 years of dedicated service to the Bristol County House of Correction.


Adopted, to be presented at a later date.


WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Baptiste, requesting, on behalf of the Zeiterion Center for the Performing Arts, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: PURCHASE STREET, from Acushnet Avenue to Spring Street, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2023, FROM 12:00 A.M. (MIDNIGHT) TO THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2023, (MIDNIGHT) for the purpose of “ON YOUR FEET”.


Permission Granted.

WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Baptiste, requesting, on behalf of AHA! New Bedford and the Earth Day Committee, that the following street(s) be CLOSED: MARKET STREET, from Pleasant Street to North Sixth Street, ON THURSDAY, April 13, 2023, FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of The Earth Eve Parade.


Permission Granted.


WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Department of Public Infrastructure repair the light that is currently out on pole 5/24, located on East Rodney French Boulevard, on the east side of the street, just south of 1285 East Rodney French Boulevard. (To be Referred to the Department of Public Infrastructure.)


Referred to the Department of Public Infrastructure.



WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Department of Public Infrastructure immediately reinstall the light that is out on pole 590 v/z 108, located on Rockdale Avenue, at the curve of Lemos Street, on the north side of the road; and further, that the Curve Sign located a block north on Rockdale Avenue be replaced due to its deteriorating condition. (To be Referred to the Department of Public Infrastructure and the Traffic Commission.)


Referred to the Department of Public Infrastructure and the Traffic Commission.


PETITION/INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, 786 CONVENIENCE INC., d/b/a Indo-Pak Pita Food Mart & Smoke Shop, for Permission to Erect and Maintain an Illuminated 12 inch by 12 inch, Non-Projecting Sign at 600 Cottage Street. Provisionally Granted, subject to approval of the Building Commissioner and subject to ratification by Mayor and City Council.


Received and Action of the City Clerk Ratified.


COMMUNICATION, City Clerk/Clerk of the City Council, to the City Council, notifying that the Office of the City Clerk has received Meeting Minutes from the Community Preservation Committee for a meeting held on February 13, 2023, the Board of Health for a meeting held on December 08, 2022 and the Library Board of Trustees for a meeting held on January 31, 2023.


Received and Placed on File.


C10.242 Rockdale Avenue
C11.5 Sycamore Street, working, on the Pleasant Street side
C12.1 Johnny Cake Hill/Union Street

Corner of Route 18 and Union Street

C14.121 North Street
C15.Nash Road and King Street to a Four-Way Intersection at Church Street
C16.From Park Avenue to Irvington Street (Including intersections)
C17.1280 Acushnet Avenue
C18.121 North Street
C19.Nash Road and King Street to a Four-Way Intersection at Church Street
C20.From Park Avenue to Irvington Street (Including intersections)
C21.1280 Acushnet Avenue
C22.14 Roosevelt Street
C23.Potter Street, working from Rockdale Avenue to 439 Potter Street
C24.19 Jean Street
C25.282 and 283 Cedar Street
C26.279 Cedar Street
C27.24 - 26 Brownell Street
C28.51 Tallman Street
C29.116 Austin Street
C30.94 Willow Street
C31.2111 - 2113 Acushnet Avenue
C32.385 Wood Street
C33.Intersection of Holly Street and Belleville Avenue
C34.241 Belleville Avenue
C35.129 Austin Street
C36.Elm Street and Acushnet Avenue, #SNV4019
C37.Market and Pleasant Streets, #SNV4004
C38.1 North Sixth Street, #SNV4003
C39.Purchase Street and Elm Street, MH 8000/749
C40.Purchase Street and Union Street, #SNV4013
C41.715 Purchase Street, #SNV4002
C42.634 Purchase Street, #SNV4017
C43.401 Acushnet Avenue, #SNV4014

C43.     PETITION, NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy for location of approximately 322’ of Conduit and Cable and two (2) Manholes in COMMERCIAL STREET, to provide electric service to 13-15 Commercial Street.