Tuesday, May 23, 2017


M1.     COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $620,000.00 from POLICE SALARIES AND WAGES in the amount of $550,000.00 AND FACILITIES AND FLEET SALARIES AND WAGES in the amount of $70,000.00, to FIRE SALARIES AND WAGES.

M1a.       AN ORDER,

M2.      COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER, for the TRANSFER of $360,000.00.00 from ZOO SALARIES AND WAGES in the amount of $55,000.00, PLANNING SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $80,000.00, MIS SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $35,000.00, SOLICITORS SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $25,000.00, ASSESSORS SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $15,000.00, PURCHASING SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $20,000.00, AUDITORS SALARIES AND WAGES in the amount of $20,000.00, LIBRARY SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $40,000.00, HEALTH SALARIES AND WAGES, in the amount of $20,000.00 and DEBT SERVICE OTHER CHARGES, in the amount of $50,000.00, to GENERAL GOVERNMENT UNCLASSIFIED CHARGES AND SERVICES.

M2a.      AN ORDER,

M3.     COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $70,368.00 from PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE SALARIES AND WAGES, to SNOW CHARGES AND SERVICES.

M3a.      AN ORDER,

M4.     COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $60,000.00 from HEALTH SALARIES AND WAGES, to EMS CHARGES AND SERVICES in the amount of $30,000.00 AND EMS SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS in the amount of $30,000.00.

M4a.      AN ORDER,

M5.     COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting AN ORDER for the TRANSFER of $32,000.00 from LIBRARY SALARIES AND WAGES, to LIBRARY CHARGES AND SERVICES.

M5a.       AN ORDER,


M6a.      AN ORDER,

M7.     COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting An Order, extending the term of the Zeiterion Theatre, Inc., management contract for the Zeiterion Theatre from July 01, 2017, to June 30, 2020, the agreement extension keeps the annual management fee at its current level of $210,000.00 for the duration of the contract, and includes no changes in terms or conditions from the existing agreement.


M7a.      AN ORDER,

M8.      COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, requesting, on behalf of the New Bedford School Committee, the renewal of a second one-year option on all New Bedford School bus contracts for authorization to ratify the extension of said contacts.

M9.      COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the RE-APPOINTMENT of KATHRYN DUFF, New Bedford, MA, 02740, to the PLANNING BOARD; this term will expire in October 2017.

M10.     COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the RE-APPOINTMENT of GEORGE N. SMITH, New Bedford, MA, 02740, as an Associate/Alternate member to the PLANNING BOARD; this term will expire in September 2018.

M11.    COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of ALLEN DECKER, New Bedford, MA, 02740, to the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS; term will expire December 2021.

M12.    COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of JOHN WALSH, New Bedford, MA, 02740, as an Associate/Alternate member to the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS; term will expire December 2021.

M13.       COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the REAPPOINTMENT of HORACIO B. TAVARES, New Bedford, MA, 02745, as an Associate/Alternate member to the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS; term will expire December 2020.

M14.    COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the APPOINTMENT of MANUEL DEBRITO, JR., New Bedford, MA, 02740, to the ELECTION COMMISSION; Mr. DeBrito will be replacing Celeste Paleologos whose term has expired; term will expire April 2021.


1.     REPORT, Special Committee on the Airport, recommending that the City Council request that the Committee on the Airport be updated from the Administration to determine who authorized the spending for the design plans for the current project to replace or upgrade runway 432.

2.     REPORT, Special Committee on the Airport, recommending to the City Council to take NO FURTHER ACTION on a WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Alves and Martins, requesting, that the Special Committee on the Airport look into the concerns addressed by Representatives of the New Bedford Regional Airport businesses as to the recommendation that at least one member (or more) of the Airport Commission be a General Aviation Pilot to insure the concerns and issues of general aviation pilots are considered, as discussions of future airport plans are negotiated. 


2a.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Alves and Martins, requesting, that the Special Committee on the Airport look into the concerns addressed by Representatives of the New Bedford Regional Airport businesses as to the recommendation that at least one member (or more) of the Airport Commission be a General Aviation Pilot to insure the concerns and issues of general aviation pilots are considered, as discussions of future airport plans are negotiated.  (Referred to the Mayor and the Special Committee on the Airport 04/11/2013.)

3.     REPORT, Special Committee on the Airport, recommending to the City Council to take NO FURTHER ACTION, on the COMMUNICATION, Councillor Alves, submitting copies of letters to Mayor Mitchell from Colonial Air, Sandpiper Air, Inc. and Nor East Aviation Services, Inc., regarding concerns of the New Bedford Regional Airport Commission.


3a.     COMMUNICATION, Councillor Alves, submitting copies of letters to Mayor Mitchell from Colonial Air, Sandpiper Air, Inc. and Nor East Aviation Services, Inc., regarding concerns of the New Bedford Regional Airport Commission. (Referred to the Special Committee on the Airport 04/11/2013.)

4.         REPORT, Special Committee on the Airport, recommending to the City Council to take NO FURTHER ACTION on a WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Oliviera, Carney, Morad, Rebeiro, Alves, Coelho, Council President Gomes, Councillors Bousquet and Lopes, requesting that the Special Committee on the Airport convene in the immediate future to discuss and understand what issues the Airport Commission and Management face relevant to its periodic lack of quorums, attendance records of its members and to have a frank discussion with lease holders on how it will seek to conduct business expeditiously in the ensuing months as much is at stake for all parties concerned to conduct the airport business in a manner that is perceived as transparent by all parties.


4a.        WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Oliviera, Carney, Morad, Rebeiro, Alves, Coelho, Council President Gomes, Councillors Bousquet and Lopes, requesting that the Special Committee on the Airport convene in the immediate future to discuss and understand what issues the Airport Commission and Management face relevant to its periodic lack of quorums, attendance records of its members and to have a frank discussion with lease holders on how it will seek to conduct business expeditiously in the ensuing months as much is at stake for all parties concerned to conduct the airport business in a manner that is perceived as transparent by all parties. (Referred to the Special Committee on the Airport 05/14/2015.)

5.     REPORT, Committee on Finance, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION of the ORDER for the TRANSFER of $182,167.00 from AIRPORT, FREE CASH to AIRPORT, CAPITAL OUTLAY in the amount of $106,000.00 and AIRPORT, STABILIZATION FUND in the amount of $76,167.00. 


5a.     AN ORDER,

6.         REPORT, Committee on Finance, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION of the LOAN ORDER in the amount of $6,499,000 authorizing the borrowing of funds to pay costs of environmental cleanup and remediation projects for the Parker Street Waste Site, including assessment, planning, design, permitting, settlement or remediation projects costs at the New Bedford High School mechanical room, Keith Middle School wetland, Nemasket Street lots, certain acquired residential properties and private properties and the cost of the EPA settlement.


6a.        LOAN ORDER,

7.         REPORT, Committee on Ordinances, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION and Pass to a Second Reading AN ORDINANCE, amending Chapter 10, FINANCE, by adding Section 10-47 – Departmental Revolving Funds.


7a.        AN ORDINANCE,

8.         REPORT, Committee on Ordinances, recommending to the City Council ADOPTION AS AMENDED and Pass to a Second Reading AN ORDINANCE - RELATIVE TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS.


8a.        AN ORDINANCE, as amended,

9.         REPORT, Committee on Ordinances, recommending that the City Council take “No Further Action” on the WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Martins, Winterson, Abreu, Rebeiro, Oliveira and Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Ordinances review the current Ordinance, Chapter 22, Section 15, Snow and Ice-Removal from Sidewalks; Required, to possibly amend and clarify said Ordinance, to redefine the definition of “sidewalk” whether paved, grass or dirt and also to extend the time frame for which a homeowner is required to remove snow from their property to avoid a fine, due to the fact that many homeowners do not arrive home until the end of the day, long after the snow has stopped falling and should not be fined for not removing snow immediately from their sidewalk.


9a.        WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Martins, Winterson, Abreu, Rebeiro, Oliveira, and Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Ordinances review the current Ordinance, Chapter 22, Section 15, Snow and Ice-Removal from Sidewalks; Required, to possibly amend and clarify said Ordinance, to redefine the definition of “sidewalk” whether paved, grass or dirt and also to extend the time frame for which a homeowner is required to remove snow from their property to avoid a fine, due to the fact that many homeowners do not arrive home until the end of the day, long after the snow has stopped falling and should not be fined for not removing snow immediately from their sidewalk. (Referred to the Committee on Ordinances 03/09/2017.)

10.     WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes, requesting that the City Council WAIVE RULE 27, IN ORDER TO HOLD BUDGET INTERVIEW SESSION on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 07, 2017.

11.     WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes, requesting, that the Mitchell Administration review the language which establishes beach parking rates and amend said language to provide free parking for any individual who has a valid Handicap Placard and anyone with a Veterans license plate. (To be Referred to the Mayor’s Office, Director of Recreation, Parks and Beaches and the New Bedford Traffic Commission.)

12.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Winterson and Abreu, requesting, that the Department of Public Infrastructure place wood chips on the playground at Harrington Park, at the corner of Tremont Street and Court Street, for the benefit of the school children who use the playground, as well as the neighborhood children who use said playground during the summer months. (To be Referred to the Department of Public Infrastructure.)

13.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Abreu and Rebeiro, requesting, that the New Bedford City Council send a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Traffic Division, advocating for a crosswalk and additional pedestrian safety signage adjacent to the new "Standard Marine Outfitters" facility located at 137 Pope's Island, New Bedford, that the crosswalk and safety signage be installed for a safe and easy pedestrian access to this new facility located on Route 6 directly across from the very busy "Pope's Island Marina," which has seen a 300% increase in recent years in both dock fees and launch services in moorings and as New Bedford continues to strive as the number one ranked Fishing Port in the United States, it is imperative that our Local, State and Federal Elected Representatives continue to be actively engaged in matters such as these, which not resolved could have a negative economic impact for our City, Region, State and Country. (To be Referred to MassDOT Traffic Division Assistant Direct Maintenance Engineer Kenneth Charlton, and our entire State Legislative Delegation).

14.     WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with Derek Santos from New Bedford Economic Development Council, along with members of the Board of Park Commissioners and a representative of the Administration for the purposes of discussing the planned Business Park proposal for the Whaling City Golf Course; and further, that Mr. Santos provide the Council with a breakdown of how much this will cost the City to develop, what are the pros and cons with all the losses included, what will be the tax return, and more importantly, why wasn't this discussed on a City-wide basis before this decision was made, with those from the Board of Park Commissioners as well as the taxpayers of the City of New Bedford. 
15.     COMMUNICATION, Councillor Winterson, submitting a copy of a letter sent to Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, requesting the assistance of the pre-release work crews with cleaning the Cities cemeteries prior to Memorial Day.