133 William Street, New Bedford, MA - City Council Chambers 214

1. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes, Councillors Abreu, Winterson, Dunn and Oliveira, requesting that the City Council look into adopting a Wage Theft Prevention Ordinance modeled after the Town of Quincy. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.) (Ref’d 9/28/17) (2/21/18-tabled 30-40 days, co-sponsors of original motion to meet with Atty. Gerwatowski to work with him on specifics vs. providing him with a broad brush, and that the language be submitted back to Ordinance by Atty. Gerwatowski for Committee review)


1a. COMMUNICATION, Council President Lopes, submitting a Wage Theft Prevention Ordinance from the City of Quincy, MA. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances.) (Ref’d 9/28/17) (2/21/18-tabled 30-40 days)


INVITEES: David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel Attorney; Lisa Lemieux, President, Greater Southeastern Massachusetts Labor Council; Cynthia Mark, Chief, Fair Labor Division, Attorney General’s Office; Mikaela McDermott, City Solicitor; James Pimental, Vice-President/Organizer, Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Local 3; Dan Rego, Organizer, New England Regional Council of Carpenters


2. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting three Ordinances, regarding Outdoor Café permits. (Ref’d 12/14/17)


2a. AN ORDINANCE, amending Chapter 15, Article VI – Planning Board Licenses and Permits – Section 15-100 Outdoor Café permit. (Ref’d 12/14/17)


2b. AN ORDINANCE, amending Chapter 17, Section 17-18 Noncriminal disposition of violations of certain Ordinances, rules and regulations by adding Section 15-100 Outdoor Café permit. (Ref’d 12/14/17)


2c. AN ORDINANCE, amending Chapter 17, Section 17-28, Chapter 40U of the Massachusetts General Laws by adding Section 15-100 Outdoor Café permit. (Ref’d 12/14/17)


INVITEES: David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel Attorney; Mikaela McDermott, City Solicitor; Nicholas Nanopoulos, Director of Licensing; Danny Romanowicz, DIS Commissioner; Patrick J. Sullivan, Planning and Community Development Director; Representative, Mayor’s Office; Local Restaurant Owners and Abutters


3. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Rebeiro, Abreu, Dunn, Carney, Martins, Council President Lopes and Councillors Morad and Gomes, requesting that the Committee on Ordinances amend Chapter 15, Article VI – Planning Board Licenses and Permits, Section 15-100 Outdoor Café Permits, to allow year round outdoor dining with the placement of seating and tables as well as any legal accompaniments to the standing establishments; and further that this matter be heard when the Committee reviews the newly submitted Outdoor Café Permit Ordinance. (To be Referred to the Committee on Ordinances, and that Representatives of Inspectional Services, Planning Board and the Licensing Board, along with Restaurant Owners and Abutters be invited to said meeting.) (Ref’d 12/14/17)


INVITEES: David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel Attorney; Mikaela McDermott, City Solicitor; Nicholas Nanopoulos, Director of Licensing; Danny Romanowicz, DIS Commissioner; Patrick J. Sullivan, Planning and Community Development Director; Representative, Mayor’s Office; Local Restaurant Owners and Abutters





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