133 William Street, New Bedford, MA - City Council Chambers - Room 214



1. CITIZEN’S INPUT TIME – Not to exceed the first thirty (30) minutes of the meeting.


1a. Theresa Holmes, P.O. Box 5519, speaking on Unsanitary Conditions at a Hathaway Road Hotel in New Bedford. (Ref’d 7/31/18)


1b. Attorney Chris McMillan, 227 Union Street, speaking on the free services offered by the Victim Rights Law Center. (Ref’d 7/31/18)


INVITEES: Theresa Holmes; Attorney Chris McMillan


2. COMMUNICATION, Mayor Mitchell, to City Council, submitting the APPOINTMENT of ANNA SURMA, New Bedford, MA 02740, to the HISTORICAL COMMISSION; this term will expire June 20121. (Ref’d 6/28/18)


INVITEES: Anna Surma


3. COMMUNICATION, City Clerk/Clerk of the City Council, to City Council, on behalf of Maria Raposo, 47 Elaine Avenue, New Bedford, MA 02745, d/b/a T&R TRANSPORTATION, 47 Elaine Avenue, New Bedford, MA 02745 hereby submitting a copy of the Application requesting a RENEWAL of a PRIVATE LIVERY LICENSE , under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 159A, Section 1, and amendments thereto, and M.G.L. Chapter 270, Section 22 (Smoke Free Workplace Law) and all other laws applicable to such operation to carry passengers for hire over the streets of New Bedford. (Current License expired November 22, 2017.) (Ref’d 6/14/18)


INVITEES: Maria Raposo


4. PUBLIC HEARING on an APPLICATION, Victor Darosa, D/B/A BBN Auto Sales, LLC, for a SPECIAL PERMIT for Motor Vehicle Sales and Rentals at 1551 Purchase Street, New Bedford, MA 02740. (Application Rec’d 7/10/18) (Duly advertised in The Standard-Times on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 and Tuesday, July 24, 2018.)


INVITEES: Victor Darosa, Applicant; David Gerwatowski, Legal Counsel Attorney; Danny Romanowicz, Commissioner, Department of Inspectional Services; Abutters


Chair Suggests 'No Further Action' and 'Report Out to the Full City Council'

5. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Gomes, requesting that the Director of Parks, Recreation and Beaches, Mary Rapoza, look into installing Expression Swings in parks throughout the City, the recreational swings allow parents and infants or young children to swing together face-to-face in one unit; and further, that we look at Community Development monies to assist in this project. (Ref’d 7/16/15) (9/30/15-send letter to Park Board asking them to fund 3 Game Time Swings for Buttonwood, Hazelwood and Fort Taber; send letter to Community Development to see if funding is available to help with purchase of such swings) (6/12/18-Remain in Committee)

6. COMMUNICATION, Councillor Lopes, submitting a letter from Ray L’Heureux, Treasurer Fort Taber Military Museum regarding a Project Proposal for an archeological study with the potential lead to the location of the Fort’s cannons. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings, and that the Fort Taber Military Museum’s Treasurer Ray L’Heureux and Mary Rapoza, Director Parks, Recreation and Beaches be invited to said meeting. (Ref’d 11/24/15) (11/9/16-tabled until such time as the cannons are located)

7. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Gomes, requesting, that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (DOT), meet with the Committee on Appointments and Briefings, for the purpose of discussing replacing the signage along Route 18 North and South, which has become old and has sustained reflective deterioration especially in the nighttime hours; and further, to also discuss possible signage changes that would announce attractions, placed at main intersections along with the present directions on the signage; and further, that our State Representative for that area be requested to attend said meeting along with a representative from the Mayor’s Administration. (Ref’d 5/14/15) (10/28/15-tabled) (4/20/17-tabled) (10/19/17-tabled)

8. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting that the City Council’s Legislative Counsel and the City Solicitor look into Article II, Section 19-20 through 19-27, with respect to enforcing the requirement that City Employees be residents of the City of New Bedford during the full term of their employment with the City; further, that contracts with the City’s Unions (AFSCME, Police, Fire) ensure that every City employee be a resident of the City of New Bedford for the full term of their employment and/or for a MINIMUM OF FIFTEEN years, if so negotiated, (and NOT the presently negotiated 3-4 years) before being allowed to reside in other Cities or Towns; further, that this change, after review by Legislative Counsel and Solicitor, not apply to positions exempted by the code or where Waivers have been granted by the City Council and Mayor when in the best interest of the public to do so, if the Legislative Counsel and City Solicitor so determine to continue exemption (s) after review; and further, that employees presently working for the City that were allowed by Union Contract to reside outside of the City be “Grandfathered In”, so as not to cause hardship to said employees and their families. (Ref’d 3/8/12) (12/10/13-Remain in Committee; 10/14/14-tabled; 3/31/15-Remain in Committee; 11/10/15-Remain in Committee; 9/13/16-tabled)

9. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Winterson and Carney, requesting that our local State and Federal Delegations look into amending the American with Disabilities and Fair Housing Acts, pertaining to the location of sober or group homes, which would give Cities and Towns an appeal process to the location of such facilities, so that such a home is placed in an appropriate location; and further, that laws also be put in place to make sure that our City’s neighborhoods are not saturated with such homes in residential and/or business-zoned areas. (Ref’d 1/14/16)

10. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Martins, requesting, that Attorney Richard Manning, 167 William Street, who represents Empire Loan, be invited to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings, to address concerns with the regulatory provisions related to pawnbrokers recently adopted by the City Council in 2013; and further, requesting, that Empire Loan be given the opportunity to address their concerns with the Council and provide additional information which, hopefully, will result in the recommendation of some changes. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings) (Ref’d 4/14/16) (9/11/17-tabled) (10/19/17-tabled)


10a. COMMUNICATION, Councillor Martins, submitting a letter dated March 15, 2016, from Attorney Richard Manning Jr., regarding regulatory provisions related to Pawnbrokers. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings) (Ref’d 4/14/16) (9/11/17-tabled) (10/19/17-tabled)

11. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments & Briefings meet with the Library Director and Library Board of Trustees, for the purpose of discussing the location, storage and the value of the artwork that the City owns; and further that the Library Board of Trustees take the Committee on tour of this artwork. (Ref’d 7/16/15) (6/13/16-tabled)


12. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the purposes of discussing installing lighting fixtures on the outside and inside structure of the New Bedford/Fairhaven Bridge, the purpose of this request is so that the City can illuminate the bridge in whatever color suitable on a daily basis, along with holidays and special events, this will give the bridge and the City a beautiful look for air-traffic and vehicular traffic entering and exiting the City; and further, this will also enhance the skyline look of the harbor for the fishing fleet.  (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation) (Ref’d 8/18/16)


13. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Lopes, Winterson, Bousquet, Council President Morad and Councillor Martins, requesting, that the City of New Bedford establish “Neat Streets” program for the disposal of cigarettes. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings and Board of Health Director Dr. Brenda Weis. (Ref’d 9/8/16) (10/3/16-returned unsigned by the Mayor)


14. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for the purpose of discussing the immediate action to be taken on Exit 15 Downtown New Bedford, on both Exits off of 195, east and west; and further, immediate action has to be taken on both these exits due to the present conditions, this is not the first time the issue of these two exits have been addressed, they have been in deplorable condition for some time; and further, these are the exits that welcome you to the City of New Bedford, also requesting that MassDOT fix all the lights on North Front Street, between Kenyon Street and Cedar Grove Street, on Belleville Avenue, between Kenyon Street and Cedar Grove Street located on the support wall under 195 east and west, on Logan Street, between Acushnet Avenue and Purchase Street, located on the support wall under Rt. 18, north and south of JFK Memorial Highway, these areas are very dark and are the responsibility of the MassDOT. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings, with a request that a letter be sent to Massachusetts Department of Transportation (DOT). (Ref’d 10/13/16) (4/20/17-tabled) (10/19/17-tabled)


15. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Bousquet, Abreu, Carney, Coelho, Lopes, Martins, Morad, Oliveira and Rebeiro, requesting, once again that the Administration reconsider and halt all charges that are being considered and already implemented to nonprofit Organizations across the City; and further requesting, that the Administration and Parks, Recreation and Beaches, Director Rapoza appear before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss this matter; this is the second request being made on behalf of Organizations across the City that give back so much through tourism, scholarships, economic stimulants and more; these charges are devastating to them and possibly could put these nonprofit Organizations into a hardship or close the books on their contributions to the City and cultural activities that have been happening for decades. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings) (Ref’d 10/27/16) (11/9/16-tabled 30 days to get info from DPI on city sponsored events and a breakdown of charges by city events and non-profit and profit events)


16. RELATED MOTION, Councillor Carney, requesting, that the Personnel Director, Sandy Vezina, meet with the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to inform the Committee Members of the City of New Bedford’s hiring practices. (Related to a Residency Waiver Request) (Ref’d 10/27/16) (6/15/17-tabled)


17. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Carney, Rebeiro and Abreu, requesting that Michele Paul, Director of Environmental Stewardship, Gerard Martins and Ellie Donovan, Representatives from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection; Cole Worthy, from Haley & Aldrich Consultant for CBS Operations; Jeff Groy, Senior Vice-President CBS Operations; Buddy Andrade, Executive Director of Olde Bedford Village and Donald Gomes, spokesman for resident abutters, appear before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to inform the City Council of the draft closure plan for the Morse Cutting Tool site located at 163 Pleasant Street, and what measures are being taken thus far by CBS Operations to remediate this site. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 11/10/16)


18. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Rebeiro and Abreu, requesting that a Representative from DPI come before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss the city garbage cans and where they are located throughout the City and how often does DPI examine whether some should be moved based on neighborhoods growth pattern. (Ref’d 11/22/16)


19. RELATED MOTION, Councillor Carney, requesting, that DFFM Commissioner Kenneth Blanchard appear before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss the new Janitorial fees implemented for Community and City run Organizations at public buildings. (Ref’d 1/12/17) (2/13/17-tabled 30 days)


20. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with the Commissioner of the Department of Public Infrastructure, Zeb Arruda and a Representative of the Administration to break down to the Committee how much road and street work will be done with the One Million Dollar Capital Improvement Program for street repairs; and further, brief the Committee Members on the City’s policies and procedures for Utility Companies doing work on the streets in New Bedford. (Ref’d 2/23/17)


21. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Rebeiro, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings invite Edward Anthes-Washburn, HDC Executive Director, to update the Community on the expansion of the New Bedford Waterfront, the new refrigeration project, recreational boating and the Harbor Master Plan. (Ref’d 2/23/17)


22. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Coelho, requesting that Eversource Gas be invited to a meeting of the Committee on Appointments and Briefings, to brief the City Council regarding policy requirements on the placement of residential meters inside and outside residential buildings. (Ref’d 3/9/17) (10/19/17-Remain in Committee)


23. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Morad and Gomes, once again, requesting that the listing of events fees that was presented to the Council several months ago, be updated as was requested by the Council, to remove the events associated with the Administration, the Council had requested this update in an attempt to determine the true costs associated with the various non-profit groups who are utilizing City buildings, parks and streets; and further, this request now requests that the updated list be returned to the Chairperson of the Committee on Appointments and Briefings within 7 days of this motion being adopted by the Council. (To be Referred to the Administration and the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 6/8/17) (6/26/17-returned unsigned by the Mayor)


23a. COMMUNICATION, Councillor Morad, submitting a listing of the City of New Bedford’s Special Event Rentals and Services and a listing of fees charged to non-profit and for profit Organizations that hold a Special Event in the City of New Bedford. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 6/22/17)


24. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Morad and Gomes, again requesting, that a representative of the Administration appear before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss charges and fees being assessed to various non-profit groups across the City who are utilizing City buildings, parks and streets to host free family related activities, festivals and events; said fees are prohibiting organizations from continuing these events and diminishing the quality of life of the residents and taxpayers of the City of New Bedford who have enjoyed these activities, festivals and events for so many years. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 6/8/17) (6/26/17-returned unsigned by the Mayor)


25. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Morad and Gomes, requesting, that a representative of the Administration appear before the Committee on Appointments and Briefings to discuss the rational being utilized to determine when charges and fees being assessed to some non-profit groups across the City can be waived, yet other groups are required to pay said charges and fees. (To be Referred to the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 6/8/17) (6/26/17-returned unsigned by the Mayor)


26. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings call an immediate Public Safety Summit to include a Representative of the Mayor’s Office, Police Chief Cordeiro, Massachusetts Homeland Security Director, Bristol County Sheriff Hodgson, the Commanding Officer from the State Police Barracks in Dartmouth, a Representative of the Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, and a Judge from Third District Court to discuss measures, procedures and strategies to be utilized and implemented, such as stop and search, crime-free zones, and zero tolerance for crimes in our parks and playgrounds and that SRT Tactical Unit be on call and utilized anytime its needed, also that extra patrols and undercover units be placed in high crime neighborhoods; and further, that a Public Awareness Campaign be put together to reach out to the neighborhoods and the citizens of this City for their assistance in fighting crime; furthermore, that this summit be held in executive session, due to the information that may be provided and also strategies that may already be in place that not only protect our Police Officers, Agencies but also the public. (Ref’d 7/20/17)


27. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with the Administration to discuss the possibilities of re-establishing a Cable TV Commission; this Commission would look into and assist City residents and the business community with cable concerns, cost and services; and further assist with contract negotiations on behalf of the City. (Ref’d 9/14/17)


28. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Winterson, Abreu, Coelho, Martins and Rebeiro, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with the City Solicitor, Acting DPI Commissioner Silva and a Representative of the Mayor’s Office, for the purpose of discussing the conditions of City streets and holding all contractors and utility companies responsible for putting the streets back together after disruption or utilities installation; and further, that the City once more look at holding the bonds on any company that does not complete road work according to the City's bonding rules and be signed off after inspection. (Ref’d 9/14/17)


29. WRITTEN MOTION Councillors Rebeiro, Abreu, Morad and Carney, requesting that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings hold a meeting as soon as possible to discuss how the Harbor Master Plan, State regulations on designated port areas and Chapter 91 of the General Laws apply to 4 Wright Street in New Bedford as well as to other properties in the port area; and further that a Representative from Coastal Zone Management, Department of Environmental Protection/Waterways Division, the Harbor Development Commission, the Planning Department and Inspectional Services, as well as the owner of 4 Wright Street be invited to the meeting to provide information to the Committee with regard to this matter. (Ref’d 9/28/17)


30. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Carney, Gomes, Dunn, Coelho and Rebeiro, requesting, that Congressman Keating, State Senator Montigny, Representative Cabral, a Representative from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Housing and Community Development, walk through the King Village Apartments to immediately address the deplorable conditions that residents are forced to live in since the new ownership has taken over; and further, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with King Village Ownership and HUD Officials to discuss the environmental concerns, security measures, maintenance and building construction. (Ref’d 10/26/17)

31. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Rebeiro, Carney, Abreu, Council President Lopes, Councillors Winterson, Gomes, Morad, Coelho and Martins, on behalf of the fishermen and businesses affected by the abrupt closing of Sector IX in the New Bedford’s waters that prohibit our participation in ground fishing until April 2018, requesting that a letter be sent to NOAA Regional Administrator John Bullard and our Federal Delegation, asking for an immediate reversal as this has had and will continue to place a devastating toll on over 300 fishermen and several local businesses associated with this industry; and further, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings invite those affected including fishermen, business owners and Attorney Andrew Saunders to a meeting to explain how this will affect the entire City. (Ref’d 12/14/17)


32. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Mayor and the Director of the Whaling Museum take immediate action to make sure that the “Grand Panorama of a Whaling Voyage Around the World” stays in New Bedford, this painting is the largest in the world, has been restored and the City should make every effort along with the Whaling Museum to ensure that it remains in the City that set the history of Whaling in this country; and further, that the City find a suitable location for this treasure; and further, that the City will be glad to share this with the world, but it belongs to the City of New Bedford and this should be its home, this painting is part of our City’s history. (Ref’d 12/14/17)


33. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Committee on Appointments and Briefings meet with the owner and operator of Nice N’ Clean Car Wash located at Bolton Street and Bliss Street, this property has an ongoing problem with trash and maintenance affecting the entire neighborhood and businesses surrounding the property, it also affects the Veterans monument located just across the street south of said business; and further, that the Health Department and the Department of Inspectional Services take a look at this location and issue notices for trash and maintenance violations and that the owner be notified of any violations. (Ref’d 12/14/17) (1/3/18-returned unsigned by the Mayor)


34. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes and Abreu, requesting, that the City establish a sponsorship program for Pocket Parks in New Bedford. (To be Referred to Mayor Mitchell, Director of Parks, Beaches, and Recreation and the Director of Community Preservation and Housing, and the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 12/14/17) (1/3/18-returned unsigned by the Mayor)

35. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Lopes, requesting, that the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Beaches install signage at each of the City’s parks and beaches that provides a narrative of the area as well as rules for the area. (To be Referred to the Director of Recreation, Parks, and Beaches and the Committee on Appointments and Briefings.) (Ref’d 12/14/17) (1/3/18-returned unsigned by the Mayor) (3/19/18-tabled 30 days, awaiting responses from M. Rapoza & K. Blanchard)



In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of Committees Office at 508-979-1482.  Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.