MEETING AT 7:00 PM, City Hall, 133 William Street, New Bedford, MA City Council Chambers - Room 214





1. WRITTEN MOTION, Council President Morad requesting that EMS Director Mark McGraw and Deputy Director Michael Thomas be invited to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods to demonstrate the new LUCAS device, an automatic CPR machine, which is now being utilized by the EMS Department to save lives of the residents in the City of New Bedford. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 8/15/19)


INVITEES: Mark McGraw, Director, Emergency Medical Services; Michael Thomas, Deputy Director, Emergency Medical Services


2. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, the Eversource Gas conduct a complete inspection and study of the gas lines and regulators that run through the City; and further that this study be conducted by air and ground to assure the residents and business community that there are no breaches or ground leaks; further that Eversource Gas pay close attention to the construction work that is being done in the City which is providing new gas lines to many of residents and that Eversource Gas provide the City with a report of the complete evaluation that has been done within a reasonable amount of time. (To be Referred Eversource Gas and the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 9/27/18)


INVITEES: Jack Lopes, Community Relations Representative, Eversource


3. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Gomes, Oliveira and Abreu, requesting that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods meet with Pulaski School Parents and School Staff in conjunction with the Far North End Neighborhood Association, to discuss the ongoing traffic and public safety issues at Pulaski school and that the Administration look into funding for two (2) traffic guards during drop off and pickup times at said school further requesting, that this Committee Meeting be held at the Pulaski School to get Parents and School staff input. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 3/23/17) (4/18/17-tabled; forward the list provided by Mrs. Tavares to the School Committee, DPI and the City Council, from the Committee, explaining that the attached are possible short and long term solutions to the traffic congestion and student safety issues as they relate to the Pulaski School.) (4/26/17-letter and list forwarded to all contacts outlined above) (4/23/19-tabled 45 days) (6/26/19, Motion made requesting Administration to allocate $250,000 for the construction of a rear entrance to the Pulaski School to alleviate the traffic flow issues in the area. Main motion tabled for 90 days)


3a. COMMUNICATION, Councillor Gomes, submitting an email from Lisa Tavares, concerned    parent of a student at Pulaski School, regarding the traffic issues at the school. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 3/23/17) (4/18/17-tabled; forward the list provided by Mrs. Tavares to the School Committee, DPI and the City Council, from the Committee, explaining that the attached are possible short and long term solutions to the traffic congestion and student safety issues as they relate to the Pulaski School.) (4/26/17-letter and list forwarded to all contacts outlined above) (4/23/19-tabled 45 days) (6/26/19, Motion made requesting Administration to allocate $250,000 for the construction of a rear entrance to the Pulaski School to alleviate the traffic flow issues in the area.  Main motion tabled for 90 days)


INVITEES: Captain Paul Dacosta, Station Three, New Bedford Police Department; Andrew O'Leary, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, New Bedford Public Schools; Manuel Silva, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Infrastructure; Jeffrey Tatro, Transportation Supervisor, New Bedford Public Schools; Representative, Mayor’s Office

4. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Coelho, requesting, in the interest of public safety, that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods address what can be done with the matter of pocket parks that are being vandalized by overnight loiterers, the homeless and those engaging in illicit activity, also the trash and debris that is left behind; and further, that representatives from the Police Department and DPI be invited when this matter is heard before the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods. (Ref’d 7/18/19)


INVITEES: Joseph Cordeiro, Chief, New Bedford Police Department; Captain Paul Dacosta, Station Three, New Bedford Police Department; Jamie Ponte, Commissioner, Department of Public Infrastructure


5. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Gomes, requesting, that the Department of Public Infrastructure do an immediate inventory of all of the City’s street lights and their ground bases, due to the number of deteriorating ground bases throughout the City; and further, that immediate action be taken to replace those streetlights and ground bases, this request is made on behalf of public safety and liability to the City if one of these light poles should come down due to their deteriorating conditions. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 4/25/19)


INVITEES: Jamie Ponte, Commissioner, Department of Public Infrastructure


Chair Suggests 'No Further Action' and 'Report Out to the Full City Council'

6. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillor Rebeiro, requesting that the Director of Parks, Recreation and Beaches, Mary Rapoza update the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods on the summer lunch program in the parks and the impact it is having on the City. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 8/16/18)


7. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Rebeiro, Giesta, Lima and Carney, requesting, that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods review the “no grilling” rule currently enforced in all City parks; and further, that the Park Board and any organization or concerned Citizens be invited to attend said meeting. (To be Referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.) (Ref’d 8/16/18)


8. WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Rebeiro, Dunn, Abreu, Lopes and Giesta, asking, that the Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods request that a representative from the Mayor’s Office, a representative from the City Solicitor’s Office and Attorney Jonathan M. Silverstein, of KP Law, be invited to a committee meeting to discuss the possibility of the City of New Bedford joining the 100 other Cities across the Commonwealth in the lawsuit seeking civil damages from pharmaceutical companies responsible for the wrongful distribution of opiates. (Ref’d 8/16/18)





In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of Committees Office at 508-979-1482.  Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.